We are absolutely passionate about massage and bodywork, as our number one goal is to provide you with healing treatments that will restore and rejuvenate your entire body and mind. If you are focused on giving your body the care it deserves and addressing its pain at the source, we will always help you find peace and relaxation with every session. We come to you creating a nice relaxing atmosphere, to experience our unique, effective and satisfying tissue reorganization skills that use mostly medical massage techniques.
At Health Wellness n Happiness Now, a mobile wellness service, we may cover
an area up to 40 square miles from the therapists previous location. Meaning, if a therapist accepts the distance that is needed to travel to your location, there may be a small percentage increase in the price which is totaled according to your distance needed to travel from the therapist’s previous location. In general, all locations that are within a 5-mile radius from their previous location are complimentary. If the distance is further there will be a small percent increase figured off the basic medical massage hourly rate of $120. If you are further than 40 miles which is outside our service area there is a small addition to this fee to compensate the therapist for their time lost for taking the therapist outside of thier immediate servicable area, which is one half the miles multiplies by 50 cents.
These service fee increases help us provide a top notched service to every client and may be added to your gratuity which is always greatly appreciated.
1 to 9 miles ---- 0% ---- $0
10 to 19 miles ---- 5% ---- $10
20 to 29 miles ----10% ---- $15
30 to 39 miles ---- 15% ---- $20
___________ OUTSIDE SERVICE AREA ____________
40 plus ------------- pay for massage time loss + $25
We kindly ask for 24 hours advance notice for all services!
Sometimes we are able to make a same day service, but there
will be a small $25 convenience fee added to any and all same day appointments!
See above for applicable fees for traveling further that our 30 mile service area
For any On Call Appointments that are outside of of regular hours there is small service fee required as well.
~ Mon - Sat 10AM to 10PM ~
Please Text 818-288-0760 for appointments outside of these hours!
Our specially designed "Promise Plan" always has your best interest in mind!
We say this because its an unknown as to how many massages per month you may initially need to find your optimal results. We will suggest how to reach your desired outcome quickly, and the bottom line is that we do have rates and plans that will
help you save money as your tissue get the care that they need.
If you are here for your fist time, or it's been longer than a month, you will start with a Premier Massage Service. This session is designed to be longer for you. With this time we will analyze your soft tissues organization and we will let you know how severe your tissues needs are. Then we will discuss what we think may be optimal for you to achieve the best results, and then together find the best plan for your soft tissues demands.
We always try to get everyone through their initial suggested massage regiments rapidly, which is the only way to make your pains go away quickly.
Regular massage therapy, for maintenance, is generally is recomended to take place once a month. Depending on your tissues health we will find a way to maintain it
and most importantly we will keep you pain free. We know meeting this general frequency depends on many issues... Such as availability, your levels of pain,
the needs you have for free movement and last but not least the cost.
We will work with all clients and their financial issues. If cost is a question please do speak to your therapist about this. They all have been given the authority to always make your soft tissues health our top priority and we will make it work for you!
Ask about Package deals to save even more!
The premier massage service is the starting point if you are seriious about maintinaing the way you feel! If you have not had a massage with us within our standard suggested monthly frequency, or its your first time with us, you will should all start here to save. This massage will last from 80 to 100 minutes and may include some medical massage techniques. We will find the areas where you pain develops and construct a plan together to address your soft tissue complications. We may need more towards the larger amount of time so we can find all your issues to help us meet your expectations quickly into making you feel your best each and every day! To receive any of the "Promise Plan" discounts, you will have to make your next appointment before your therapist leaves. This way you are guaranteed to get your schedules coordinated and it will ensure your savings for what ever frequency your body may need.
With Health Wellness N Happiness Now, the more massage therapy sessions you want, the more affordable they will get!
All you have to do is book your next massage therapy session before your therapist leaves. By doing this you can save up to
40 to 30% off you next massage therrapy session with our
"Promise Plan" rates.
The way it works is if you prebook your next massage within a 31 day period you will make your next session be $55 less. But if you like more regular sessions and you book with in 15 days you will save $65 per massage off the Premier rate. Now if you tissues are in severe need of therapy and you rebook within 7 days, we will give you a $75 savings! Technically speaking, in just two sessions you will be receiving a free one! This is always depending on therapist availability, but please do ask and to rebook in order to get your favorite therapist. If the possibility is not thre maybe thier is a possibily that another therapist on our team may have your desired times open.
You must book and keep your next massage therapy session for this to occur, and most importantly this is always to be done before your therapist leaves from your service!
All discounted rates are off the Premier rate of $175 ONLY!
Medical Massage and General Massage are two different things. A General massage is more taylored for relaxation and comfort and durimg the session one amy commonly fall alseep as their tension is slowly melted away. We use aroma therapy along with a light Ayurvedic oil using Sweddish and lymphdrain strokes which are light and comforting to the touch. The oil's will noursih your skin and the strokes will invigorte your lymphaitic sytem to work.
Massages may be amplified with certain tools or items such as
Gua Sha (scraper), Facia Buster, certain types of essential oils or even an item such as a basalt stone which is warmed in in its physical propertiy. This practice is more commonly known as Hot Stone Therapy massqge that which will help to iron out your muscles tension and will actually dialalte your lymph vessels to rid your body of more unneeded lscar tissue in a quicker manner. If you have troubles sleeping a hot stone therapy session is a great additiion to our service because it will most certainly relax you to the greatest degree.
If you ever fail to give 24-hour notice of any cancellations a $25 service fee will be added to your next service.
If you are not present, or at your location (a "No Show") for any session, your therapist will wait 30 minutes and you will be responsible for 100% of the services price. No Acceptions!
Medical Massage is quite different from your basic General Massage modalities that you may be accumstomed to getting at your local salons. Medical Massage is a combination of modalities that will actually fix your tissues organization to enable it to operate and move more freely and open. Modalites commonly used in our medical massage therapy sessions are Sweddish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Trigger Point Therapy and Myofacial Release techniques such as scrapping, cupping or hot stones.
Essential and CBD oils can help relieve many types of pain. With this feature we add on a 100mg of CBD oil to be added to the mix which enhance your activation of CB1 receptors in the brain. These receptors regulate the emotional processing of your pain signals at the spinal level, where CBD binds to the glycine receptors and will intensify your pain-blocking effects when these oils are absorbed through the skin. The pain relief effects of CBD will involve a reduction of your inflamation.
If you and your partner, friend or house guest would like a massage, at the same location. we will take 50% off that second massage from the initial standard rate. These massages may run back to back, or simultaneously if a second therapist is available, as we offer this unique way to save. Simply do the math and call your neighbor, because you're getting a 90 minute massage in the comfort of your own home for just $87.50 each!
For our package deals and reserving multiple spots in the future you have to prepay for 3, 4, 5 or even 6 sessions. This way you will be prebooked and guarenteed your spot for your soft tissues health and your favorite therapist. You start with the standard Premier massage for $175, and then with your therpist there you will prebook all your remaining sessions.
TRIFACTO - pay $100 more for 3 total
QUADPAC - pay $175 more for 4 total
PENTaPAC - pay $250 more for 5 total
HEXApac - pay $325 mor
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
West Hills, CA
(818) 288-0760
Voice Mail & Texts accepted
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